East Edge City Guide
East Edge is a central location to the game – you will spend a lot of time in the city between Episodes. During your visits, you will need to complete various tasks such as gathering information and buying items for up-coming missions.
East Edge was founded on the area that was the worst affected by the rise in global temperature following the event known as “The Sudden Death of the Earth”. The area was chosen as the site for Earth’s 87th Air Cooling Tower, resulting in millions of people migrating to the region to benefit from the stable environment. This quickly helped to establish East Edge as the “Capital Centre of the New World”.
The below guide should help you navigate East Edge City. Location names have been translated from various Japanese strategy guides, and have been “tidied up” where necessary.
East Edge City Locations
02. North East Wharf
This location features one of East Edge’s most important characters, who will offer necessary information in order to progress at certain points in the game. He and his son are essential to your progression for the first time in the beginning of Episode 2.
The North East Wharf is only accessible via the Harbour Steps [01].
03. Missile Monument
Accessible only via the Harbour Steps [01], this area is baron with the exception of a single civilian who offers optional additional information throughout the game if you interact with him – although none of it is essential to your progress.
04. The Museum of East Edge City
This area is accessible from the Harbour Steps [01]. The Museum itself (on the right of the screen) can be entered.
Inside if you head to the kiosk and interact with the worker, she will invite you inside to watch various movies which explain the story and world surrounding OverBlood 2.
The various movies you can watch are all relatively short, and worth watching if you want to learn more about the game.
Special movies are released at various points in the game; the 1st Cinema Special is unlocked between episodes 1 and 2. Between episodes 3 and 4, both the 2nd and 3rd Cinema Specials are unlocked at once.
05. Dockside
There is nothing to see in this sombre part of East Edge other than a member of the public who offers little interaction, but to see it for yourself simply head past the entrance of the Museum of EEC [04].
06. D-NA Bar
This area not only connects to several locations, but is home to one of the game’s most important buildings; D-NA Bar. The Bar is owned by the protagonist from the original OverBlood game; Raz Karcy. The statue inside the bar also pays homage to the first game when interacted with by the player.
During your visits to East Edge, the bar is a place you’ll often return to, acting as a base for Acarno and the group he finds himself involved with.
In addition to the several East Edge residents you are able to interact with, the robot on the left of the main entrance to the bar that can also be interacted with in order to see your progress during episodes 1 to 7 as you complete them.
07. Temjin Burger
This area is home to “Temji Burger” from which you can purchase HORSEMEAT BURGERS (which are relatively useless) and BANANAS (which are only useful once during the first part of Episode 6) – neither of which are particularly useful. Simply head to the kiosk under the canopy (beneath the illuminated sign).
There are several locations linked via this area; D-NA Bar [05], South East Wharf [08], Muromachi Shop [22], Basilica Intersection [10], and Under Clock Tower [09].
08. South East Wharf
This area is accessible only via the stairs close to Temji Burger [07], which can be found at the bottom-left of the screen.
The South East Wharf is another of the city’s locations which is irrelevant to your progress, or the story in general as nothing of significance takes place here. It does however add depth to the city itself due to it’s size.
10. Basilica Intersection
This intersection connects several locations in East Edge; Shop Street [11] Church Entrance [12] Under Clock Tower [09] Temjin Burger [07] and Main Street [13].
This area is also the location of a key character in the game; Siver Otakki. By answering his questions correctly during the first four Episodes he will give you a number of free items.
Another easter egg; during Episode 6 Siver is an optional boss when you get to the “Ghost House”. If you manage to defeat him, he actually reappears in East Edge later in the game at in his usual spot.
11. Shop Street
Two of East Edge’s most useful shops are (unsurprisingly) located here; “Gotti Tools” (on the left side of the screen) sells non-weapon and recovery items such as EMERGENCY SPRAY and the all important GRAVITY CONTROLLER at the start of the game.
On the opposite side of the street is (right side of the screen) “Agibat Junk”. Between the robot and man who work here you can buy various explosives such as GRENADES and TIME BOMBS.
You are able to sell stones such as DIAMONDS and GEO STONES to both shops.
The street can be accessed via either Bascilia Intersection [10] or the Subway Station Alley [23].
12. Church Entrance
The entrance to the Church can be accessed only via Bascilia Intersection [10]. By interacting with the door you can enter the church building, which becomes a key location as you progress through the game.
The only person to be found in the Church from the start of the game is the Priest Julian, who offers little conversation.
At the start of Episode 5 you are able to gain two items inside the Church using the HOOK SHOT. See here.
The Church is also where you start Episode 8 – the game’s bonus Episode which can be unlocked by achieving a high enough score during Episodes 1-7.
13. Main Street
Other than the random civilians found here – including a Santa impersonator – Main Street acts as nothing but a small intersection until Episode 6 when a significant cut scene takes place here.
Main Street intersects 4 other locations; Entrance to Figaro’s Place [14], Urine Alley [15], End of Urine Alley [16] and Basilica Intersection [10].
14. Entrance to Figaro’s
In this small alley you’ll meet a stray dog and more importantly able to enter the Figaro’s Place (via the door on the left of the screen), which becomes a more significant location in Episode 3 when you meet Figaro the Treasure Hunter.
This area can only be accessed from Main Street [13] and Subway Station Alley [23].
15. Urine Alley
Translated from three separate Japanese strategy guides as either “Urine Alley” or “Piss Alley” – which has a strange number of children present given it’s name – acts simply as an intersection between two parts of the alley and Main Street [13].
This area is also the location of a secret item you can find at the beginning of Episode 5 – see here.
16. Deepest Part of the Alley
This part of East Edge has nothing of interest to offer and offers no thoroughfare. It is only accessible via Urine Alley [15].
18. Array Bridge Intersection
Other than acting as a thoroughfare between three locations; Array Bridge [19], Ghost Wharf [20] and the End of Urine Alley [17].
The only thing of note at Array Bridge Intersection is another shop which can be accessed via the door underneath the red, green and yellow lights (on the right side of the screen).
Once inside the building, head up the stairs and speak to either the adult or the child.
There is also a small easter egg inside this shop – by shooting out the glass in the wall separating the adult and the child, the adult will refuse to buy or sell any items until you pay him 1000 Credits.
19. Array Bridge
21. Ghost Bus Station
Although it may not look like it, according to several Japanese strategy guides this area translates roughly as the Ghost Bus Station, and contains only a child civilian.
This area is accessible only via the lower level of the Ghost Wharf [20].
22. Muromachi Shop
The street connects Temji Burger [07] (on the right of the screen) and Ghost Wharf [20] (on the left of the screen).
Inside the shop itself, which is accessible through door between the two bright lights, you are able to purchase various items from the robot behind the counter.
Gender specific clothing can be bought by entering the rooms on both the left and right of the shop’s main counter – although to enter you must be controlling a character of the appropriate sex.
The man outside the shop also sells specialist outfits – some of which you will collect during the game.
23. Subway Station Alley
This area connects 3 others; Subway Station Square [24], Subway Station Intersection [28] and Shop Street [11].
Subway Station Alley offers optional interactions with two of East Edge’s more melancholy and mysterious characters.
This location is also the trigger for a cut scene during one of your visit to East Edge at the beginning of Episode 4.
26. Bus Station Cargo Area
Similar to the Bus Station [25] itself – which also provides the only access point to this area – the Bus Station Cargo Area contains nothing more than some optional civilian interactions.
29. Dead End Bridge
Accessible only via Subway Station Intersection [28], here you’ll find a single civilian who offers up information about a hidden item hunt at the beginning of Episode 6.
30. Pumpkin Hall
This area is accessible via both the alley located behind the bar at Entrance to D-NA Bar [06] (right side of the screen) and Subway Station Intersection [28] (left side of the screen).
The entrance to the Pumpkin Hall itself is found underneath the large illuminated sign bearing the club’s name.
The club offers several unique residents of the city, and eve the ability to inspect the bar maid’s rear. The Pumpkin Hall remains an optional location until Episode 3 when you pay the drunken Figaro the Treasure Hunter a visit.