OverBlood 2 Japanese Demo [Hyper Playstation Re-Mix 1998 No. 9]

I finally got around to playing through the demo, which is now on the OverBlood2.com YouTube channel.

OverBlood 2 Japanese Demo (Hyper Playstation Re-Mix 1998 No. 9)

A demo for OverBlood 2 was released in September 1998’s edition of the Japan’s “Hyper PlayStation Re-mix” magazine (hyperプレイステーションre-mix). The fully playable demo (which can be completed in around 10-20 minutes, if you know where to go) features a level not seen in the official release of the game.

Pictured; The cover of “Hyper PlayStation Re-Mix No. 9”, released in September 1998 (OverBlood 2 is mentioned on the left).

Recently I finally got around to playing through the demo, which you can take a look at below:

Video; OverBlood 2 demo in full.

Thanks to Cabbusses’s Retro Obscurities on YouTube for originally bringing this video to my attention.

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