[Episode 6] The Ghost House
After ridding the Gloom Alley streets of the various trouble-causing gangs and receiving the Key to the Ghost House as a reward from the owner of Bar Kuroi, Acarno finds himself in the garden to the Ghost House ready to see what’s on the inside.
Although this section can be skipped by using a simple shortcut to bypass the Ghost House in the interest of speed-running, playing the game properly means you will have to enter and subsequently beat the Ghost House before exiting through the back door in order to continue.
Episode Sections

Click here to visit the last past of this walkthrough if you want to see how.
Skipping the Ghost House will save time, but miss a whole bunch of items.
In the garden, facing the Ghost House, locate the coffin to Acarno’s left and examine it which will cause the lid to open.

There is a trap immediately inside the door – if you step forward then you’ll be crushed by a falling chandelier – take a single step forward and then step straight back again. This should cause the chandelier to fall without crushing you, allowing you to collect several items in this area safely;

You may be interested to know that this trap pays tribute to Doctor Hauzer, a game by OverBlood 2 creators, Riverhillsoft. Doctor Hauzer also features death by a falling chandelier. It is also recognised as the first truly 3D survival horror game (released in 1994 for the 3DO).

Stay vigilant in the next room as falling off the narrow walkway is easily done. Continue heading up the inclining walkway and you will end up on a platform with a switch situated within an alcove.

On the other side of the painting, drop through the hole on the floor in front of you (ensuring you have the SOCK ABSORBER BOOTS equipped). When you hit the ground below, set a TIME BOMB down at one end of the blue doors next to you and move out of the blast radius in order to reveal a treasure chest. Interact with the chest and it will open, allowing you to grab the item inside.

Climb all the way up the ladders in front of the chest and back through the door, emerging once again on the steps in the main entrance of the Ghost House. There are two final items to collect before leaving;

In the back garden of the Ghost House jump onto the large gate in front of you, pull yourself up and drop off the other side. Equip the RED LEATHER. Opposite you is a chain-linked fence – head towards it and jump over the wall attached to it’s left-hand side.

Cut scene

The race involves a couple of laps of a simple track, lasting around two minutes. Unlike in some of the other vehicle-related segments of the game, you will not sustain any damage for hitting the walls as you progress around the track, so simply hold the acceleration button until you eventually win the race.