[Episode 7] The Bridge Level
Just as Acarno gains access to Shangri-la’s main central elevator the plot thickens when the ship comes under attack, with Ryuichi Hayano one of the casualties. Meanwhile, Kondo continues to try and foil Zeno’s plans.
Back at the docking bay Hosaka decides its time to venture further ahead and help Acarno, with Navarro opting to stay and guard their means of escape.
With access now granted to the central elevator, you must progress through Shangri-la’s other floors – starting with a trip to the Main Bridge – to retrieve more Diva Pieces.
Episode Sections

Item; Once you arrive at the “Bridge Level” you will begin in a room at the start of an actual bridge. Head forwards and part of the bridge will fall out and you will drop into a pool of water, allowing you to pick up another DIVA PIECE.

In the next room equip the PARA JACKET and COOL SOLE BOOTS. Also beware that parts of the ground explode, so ensure you have enough health to withstand the occasional blast.

Rotate the camera so that it's facing the room's main central platform and you will notice the item that was left untouched earlier. To pick up the item you must jump, glide and pull yourself up onto the platform. The platform triggers an automatic explosion if you hit the wrong spot, so you may have to re-load your save a few times.

Head out of the room using the door you entered through and back into the room with the collapsed bridge above water. Head back across the bridge and into the elevator.

Cut scene