[Episode 8] Higher & Higher

Following a brief reunion with some old friends and having successfully navigated the first stage of Episode 8, it's time to take on the second of the three stages - which involves some tricky jumping around.

Episode 8: Higher & Higher​


Following a brief reunion with some old friends and having successfully navigated the first stage of Episode 8, it’s time to take on the second of the three stages – which involves some tricky jumping around.

To progress past this room you must make your way to the top of the structure in the centre of the room, avoiding the many hazards on the way while not falling to your death.

Using the Laser Gun (which can be picked up on the floor in this room) you must shoot the floating blue crystals to activate new moving platforms that assist your ascent.

Episode Sections


Before starting this section you should be aware this room involves some infuriating jumping and you will die. A lot. Regular saves are strongly advised. From the point you enter the room, head right towards the item on the floor.

Item; Pick up the ENERGY PACK.
Info; Take a few steps forward to trigger some on-screen information about how to progress.
Item; Pick up the LASER GUN on the ground.
Shoot the 1st crystal; Equip the LASER GUN and shoot the blue crystal hovering in the middle - this will case some of the platforms above you start moving so that you can begin your ascent.
1st platform; Continue down the side of the room in the opposite direction to the door you entered through. When you reach the next corner of the room, jump up to the platform above.
2nd platform; Jump across to the second platform.
3rd platform; and then across to the third platform noting that the surface is slippery.
4th platform; Rotate the camera instead of moving on the slippery platform and jump across to the next floating platform.
5th platform; The next platform may require you to position the camera so that you can see your landing spot. Be careful to avoid the rotating mechanism by landing on the corner of the platform closest to the corner of the room.
6th platform; Jump down to the small platform in the corner of the room and pick up the JUICE CAN, before jumping back to the 5th platform.
5th platform (again); Jump towards the outer wall of the room and you should be able to change direction in mid-air to get onto another slippery platforn.
7th platform; Simply jump upwards.
8th platform; Jump across to the black and yellow platform.
FYI; Landing on the platform you will trigger some further on-screen information about how to progress.
Shoot the 2nd crystal; Equip the LASER GUN and shoot the blue crystal in mid-air, causing the next set of platforms to begin moving. Be sure to avoid shooting the red ring surrounding the crystal or you will fall to your death.
Central column; Jump to the central structure, landing on the slightly sloped surface. Put away your weapon.

Now is a good time to save your progress, as the difficulty ramps up further during this next section in addition to a fall from this height resulting in certain death.

Next platform; Head to the opposite side of the central platform. Use the slippery platform moving from side-to-side to jump onto the platform in the corner of the room (which is going up and down).
Next platform; Jump across to the next platform, which is also moving up and down.
Next platform; Carefully time your jump to the small platform below which is moving horizontally.
Next platform; Avoiding the rotating mechanism attached to the central column, jump to the slippery platform ahead.
Next platform; Jump to the platform in the corner of the room.
Next platforms; Face the corner of the room and jump across two more platforms.
Next platform; Be careful to avoid the platform in the corner of the room (with the skull on), and instead jump to the platform moving up and down - beware, this is another slippery one.
Ledge; Jump to the ledge when the moving platform has reached it's highest point.
Item; Pick up the HORSEMEAT BURGER on the ledge.

Now would be another good time to save your progress, as once again the difficulty is about to go up a notch.

Next platform; Stood on the ledge, turn to face the middle of the room and you'll notice a small black and yellow platform below - carefully jump to it.
Shoot the 3rd crystal; Equip the LASER GUN and shoot the crystal in the closest corner of the room (once again avoiding the red ring).
Central column again; Jump to the central column, put away your weapon and equip the COOL SOLE BOOTS.
Next platform; Make your way around to the opposite side of the central column and jump to the floating platform in the corner of the room.
Next platform; Turn to face the side of the room when you were previously stood on the ledge and jump to the next orange platform.
Next platforms; Make your way across two more orange platforms.
Central column again; Turn to face the central column and you will notice an item on the left hand side - jump across.
Item; Pick up the EMERGENCY SPRAY.
Next platform; Rotate the camera so that you can see the black and yellow platform in the far corner of the room. Jump across and you will be able to grab the ledge.
Shoot the 4th crystal; Equip the LASER GUN and shoot the crystal on the opposite side of the room (avoiding the red ring), causing the platform on which you are stood to begin moving. Put your weapon away.
Next platform; Turn to face the opposite direction to the crystal you just shot and jump up to the small platform when you're close enough.
Item; Pick up the HORSEMEAT BURGER.
Back to the central column; Turn to face the central column. Jump back to the platform where you previously picked up the EMERGENCY SPRAY. This is quite a tricky jump, and usually requires you to grab the ledge.

Now would be another good time to save, as the final section is a bitch.

Travellator platforms; Face the closest wall of the room and you will notice two platforms moving up and down - jump to the platform on the right but be aware the surface of these platforms have travellator belts on their surface which will throw you off. Your best bet is to grab the ledge as you are thrown from the platform, which will give you time to jump to the next one.
Quick jump; Jump from the first travellator platform upwards to a second travellator platform.
Second quick jump; Quickly jump right from the second travellator platform onto a smaller black and yellow platform.
Shoot the 5th crystal; Equip the LASER GUN and face the final crystal in the corner of the room. Put your weapon away and jump to the new platform above, being careful to avoid the rotating mechanism.
2nd orange platform; Facing the middle of the room you will notice a second orange platform close to the wall on the left - jump across to it being careful to avoid the rotating mechanism once again.
3rd orange platform; Jump to the next orange platform in the corner of the room when it reaches it's lowest point.
4th orange platform; Turn to face the small orange platform moving along it's horizontal axis and carefully jump across.
Purple platform; This last jump involving platforms is particularly tricky, so it's worth saving here.

There is a small platform in the corner of the room moving up and down - you will need to jump onto this platform when it reaches it's lowest point before jumping diagonally towards the centre of the room and grabbing onto a final small orange platform which is not moving.

Note that the purple platform will shock you and quickly drain your energy (regardless of your footwear). Before jumping, ensure you have a full health bar and are aware of your destination.
Central platform; Jump to the central platform a final time.
Final jump; From the top of the central platform you will notice four ledges on the outer walls of the room, each of which has a skull on. 3 of these platforms will explode within seconds of you lading on them - the correct (safe) ledge is the one you should be facing after jumping from the small orange platform, which has a smaller platform floating to it's left.

If you land on a ledge and hear a noticable 'tick' sound, this means the platform will explode - you should however have enough time to jump back to the central platform and try again.
Door; Go through the door.