Episode 8: The Final Room
After successfully making it through the first two stages of the game’s final Episode, there is one final section to navigate. Well done if you made it this far, but it doesn’t get any easier from here…
To complete this final room – and Episode 8 – you will need to make your way to the opposite end of the room to the one you start at in order to use the Air Cooler Repair Kit.
Episode Sections
- Final Break Down
- Higher & Higher
- The Final Room
Before going any further, ensure you have a full health bar when you start. Upon entering the room you will notice a variety of boxes and platforms descending from the ceiling into the green liquid below – the first thing to note is that the green liquid is deadly, so don’t fall in.
Your first goal is to scale the descending boxes and platforms until you are high enough to jump over the giant rollers on the other side of the room. This ultimately comes down to how quickly you can ascend the moving items (by jumping and using the various ladders), so knowing your route is key – the instructions below should help provide the quickest route to the top, but it may take a few attempts to pull off…

Now is a good time to save your progress, as this is the last safe spot before a tricky couple of jumps. Note the item ahead sitting on top of the curved pipe which is spewing out liquid – this is the next landing spot. Also take note of the large hook moving backwards and forwards along the ceiling above.
Equip the HOOK SHOT and fire it when it is in-line with the pipe sticking out of the wall on the left.

Now would be another good time to save.

This is another good spot to save. You will notice ahead that there are several columns moving up and down in the green liquid below, along with two sloped travellator platforms along both walls of the room – this section must be scaled in order to access the platform visible in the distance with green gas on it’s surface.

Although the final jump is not as difficult as some of the ones you’ve made previously, saving here one last time might be a good idea. As advised by the on-screen prompt, you must jump across to the ledge ahead in order to use the AIR COOLER REPAIR KIT. Note is that the surface you’re about to jump to is slippery, so be careful as you land.

Could this have been a potential setup for a third instalment in the franchise? Or maybe it was a "fuck you" from the game developers? So many questions...